Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

My name is Caroline. I am a heart-based energy healing practitioner, specializing in Reiki, full spectrum energy medicine, sound healing and mindfulness facilitation. I first became acquainted with these modalities when I was searching for a greater sense of inner peace and clarity - both of which had become increasingly difficult for me to access due to consistent anxiety, a feeling of discontent, and a lack of balance in my life. I began to explore alternative healing methods like Reiki (a Japanese energy healing technique), meditation, breathwork and sound healing, which provided insight about my situation and helped me figure out how to move forward. They also allowed me discover parts of myself that were more beautiful and powerful than I ever could have imagined. If you’d like to read more about my story, please click here.

I now offer integrative energy sessions — which are a combination of Reiki, full spectrum energy work, sound healing, crystal healing, and mindfulness techniques — to help people discover their own inner guidance and peace. These sessions help to release energetic blockages that the body may be holding, re-establishing balance and flow and offering the body the support it needs to heal. Time-honored, gentle, and completely natural, these modalities offer incredible restorative and healing benefits when practiced regularly.

I have experienced, both personally and in countless sessions with my clients, the healing and growth that can come from understanding and harnessing the mind / body / spirit connection. I am also a spiritual seeker and someone who is actively participating in her own healing journey, constantly making space to learn, shift and evolve. As that process brings new perspectives, I am able to share those with my clients and students to offer them new tools and insights. One thing I know for sure: we are all SO much more powerful than we know!

If my work resonates with you, I’d be thrilled to connect and help you find your clarity!